Holy Week

Some snap shots of how Filipinos celebrate Holy Week in the Philippines…

During Good Friday, religious images on giant flower-adorned floats are paraded through the streets until they reach the town church.

captured using Rollei RPX 400 film…


Visita Iglesia
Part of the Catholic tradition during Holy Week is to visit & pray to at least 7 churches during Maundy Thursday.

captured using Kodak Colorplus 200….




My first film: Fujicolor C200

Armed with my dad’s vintage camera, I went to Marikina Riverbanks for a test shoot. I remember the camera wasn’t CLA yet (cleaned, lubricated and adjusted) so I was looking at my subject with a very dirty lens, no meter indicator & no idea what the fudge-cake I was doing. Running the camera & film to a road test it seems.

  • Location – Marikina Riverbanks
  • ISO 200
  • Camera – Yashica FX-3 Super 2000
A stroll in the park….
chilling by the banks